1. 125 POINTS
    Retirement can thought of as a time of change. It is more than your job and paycheck stopping or the selling of your company. Retirement It is a event or at the very least transition.
    What happens if you do not plan and simply fly by the seat of your pants? You probably will have income problems or end up paying more tax because of the lack of planning.
    There is of course the non monetary side. What are you going to do with the rest of you life after "retirement?. No plan then you may not like how things turn out.
    If you have more questions you can contact me. Start with my web site www.jpw.ca if you prefer.
    Answered on April 15, 2014
  2. 125 POINTS
    Actually there aren’t a lot of people who do plan for retirement.  Retirement is coming whether you plan for it or not.  Many people, through lack of planning, cannot afford to retire so they work until they cannot work any longer.  Rather than enjoying their “golden years,” they struggle to stay gainfully employed when the market place doesn’t value them very much.  Finally, they become dependent.  They must depend on relatives or the state.  No, you don’t need to plan; you can be overwhelmed by it later.
    Answered on June 2, 2014
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