What Can I Do To Plan For Retirement?
- 260 POINTSview profileBen SimpsonPresident, Simpson Financial Solutions, Omaha, NESit down with an advisor and get a game plan. Every person's situation is different so you need an advisor that is going to take the time to look at the entire picture. I would recommend someone that has knowledge of how to file when it comes to Social Security, as this can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars if done incorrectly. Advisors who offer this as a service will be few and far between, but they are out there. A good advisor will help with understanding your risk tolerance and place you in the correct investments to ensure the money you have lasts. This could be made up of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities and life insurance. Yes, life insurance. Take the time to interview a few advisors in your area and make sure the appointment is about you and not the advisor.Answered on June 24, 2013flag this answer
- 11783 POINTSContact Meview profileLarry GilmorePROAgent Owner, Gilmore Insurance Services, Marysville, Washington StateWhat can I do to plan for retirement? Get started saving, even if i's passbook. Time is your biggest ally in retirement planning. More people waste that time trying to find the "prefect" retirement choice when really it is discovering the "habit" and "discipline" of saving money. Do not wait until you have found "perfect", start saving, start learning and move funds from those saving into your different choices that you've learned about. Is this a prefect plan? No, it's main goal is to get you saving money "while" you investigate your options.Answered on June 24, 2013+01+1 this answer
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