This is a great question!!! The answer is yes - Roth IRA rules allow for first time home buyers to be able to withdraw up to $10,000 tax free to help purchase their home. This is true regardless of your age, the 59 1/2 age requirement is waived, and so is the five year rule (your account must be opened for a minimum of five years to avoid taxes and penalties). I am a big fan of Roth's, and this is one of the reasons why. Go see your plan administrator, and happy house hunting! Thanks for asking!
Life & Health Insurance Agent, The Tooker Agency, Riverhead NY
One of the great advantages to a Roth IRA is you can withdraw your basis at any time without paying any taxes or penalties. You can use this money for any purpose, including a home purchase.
When you make a withdrawal from your Roth it is considered that your contributions come out first, then any conversion funds and finally earnings.
Here's an example: Let's assume you have contributed a total of $20,000 into your Roth IRA and over time your account has grown to $40,000. You are buying your first home and want to withdraw $30,000. The first $20,000 will not be taxed as it reflects your contributions. As a first time home buyer the next $10,000 will not be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty and will not be taxable as long as you've had your Roth for over 5 years.
This type of flexibility is what makes the Roth IRA attractive for many investors.
When you make a withdrawal from your Roth it is considered that your contributions come out first, then any conversion funds and finally earnings.
Here's an example: Let's assume you have contributed a total of $20,000 into your Roth IRA and over time your account has grown to $40,000. You are buying your first home and want to withdraw $30,000. The first $20,000 will not be taxed as it reflects your contributions. As a first time home buyer the next $10,000 will not be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty and will not be taxable as long as you've had your Roth for over 5 years.
This type of flexibility is what makes the Roth IRA attractive for many investors.