Renwanz Insurance & Financial Solutions, Carlsbad, CA
There is an "open enrollment period" during which you can buy any Medigap insurance policy (Plan F) sold in your state beginning the month in which you turn age 65 and you are enrolled in Medicare Part B. During this six month open enrollment period, you can buy any Medigap insurance offered, even if you have health problems, for the same price as people in good health.
If you apply for Medigap coverage after your open enrollment period, there's no guarantee that an insurance company will sell you a Medigap policy if you don’t meet the medical underwriting requirements, unless you're eligible because you have group health insurance through an employer or union. If this is your situation, the Medigap enrollment period begins when you sign-up for Part B.
There are some situations if you are under 65 and are eligible for Medicare because of a disability you could be eligible for Medigap coverage. If you have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and are under 65, some states require at least one type of Medigap policy to be offered to you.
If you apply for Medigap coverage after your open enrollment period, there's no guarantee that an insurance company will sell you a Medigap policy if you don’t meet the medical underwriting requirements, unless you're eligible because you have group health insurance through an employer or union. If this is your situation, the Medigap enrollment period begins when you sign-up for Part B.
There are some situations if you are under 65 and are eligible for Medicare because of a disability you could be eligible for Medigap coverage. If you have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and are under 65, some states require at least one type of Medigap policy to be offered to you.