If you're over 65 you can purchase a Medicare Supplemental plan at any time but will be subjected to medical questions and run the risk of being denied coverage. If you're not quite there yet, you have the three months prior to your birthday, the month of your birthdate, and three months after your birthdate to obtain guaranteed acceptance into any plan offered in your area.
Also, if you are under 65 but have had 24 months of continuous disability benefits under Social Security or Railroad Retirement you can also obtain a Medicare Supplement.
Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, California
In addition to the above opportunities, there is an annual enrollment period during which you can apply for a medigap policy without providing medical information. These periods are announced. It is best to careful compare medigap plans as they differ. Rating is based upon a community basis; issue age rated or attained age rated. Compare before you commit.
Also, if you are under 65 but have had 24 months of continuous disability benefits under Social Security or Railroad Retirement you can also obtain a Medicare Supplement.