Independent Insurance Producer, Paul J Rosen Financial Services Inc., Plainview, New York
Medicare Supplement Plan F and Plan F Plus which is the same but with a $2140 deductible fill in the coverage gaps best for Medicare Parts A and B. if the doctor or facility accepts Medicare patients, these plans will do the job best without having to choose from a network of providers. They also provide Nationwide coverage.
Deciding which Medicare Plan is the best depends a lot on your specific needs. There are 11 different Medicare Supplement plans. The best place to start is to contact an independent agent that specializes in Medicare Supplement plans. A good agent will be able to show you all top rated plans available to you and analyze your needs to help you determine which plan is best for you. If done correctly, the whole process will seem easy.
Plan F is the most comprehensive plan but it may not be the right fit for you. There are Medicare plans similar to Plan F but the premium can be a lot less.
Plan F is the most comprehensive plan but it may not be the right fit for you. There are Medicare plans similar to Plan F but the premium can be a lot less.