Co-Founder,, Goldenzweig Financial Group, Las Vegas, Nevada
Medicare Part B is your physician insurance - it covers doctor visits, tests, surgeries, preventive services, and supplies including DMEs (durable medical equipment).The Part B deductible is $147 in 2014. You're responsible for 20% of healthcare expenses covered by Part B - Medicare only covers 80% of the costs.
Most people who have Part B will also have Part A (your hospital insurance) - Part A is premium-free for most people.
You may want to consider buying a Medicare supplement plan (a.k.a. Medigap plan) to cover the other 20%. The advantage of a Medigap plan is that it creates a very predictable healthcare expense structure (a very helpful ability for retired persons on a fixed income).
Please feel free to contact me for help. Thanks very much.
That is a great question! Jason gave you a great rundown of services and costs. If you would like to know more about your Medicare coverage and services you are eligible for, go to the Medicare website as it is really helpful. There are a ton of links and places to look for answers. Thanks for asking!
Most people who have Part B will also have Part A (your hospital insurance) - Part A is premium-free for most people.
You may want to consider buying a Medicare supplement plan (a.k.a. Medigap plan) to cover the other 20%. The advantage of a Medigap plan is that it creates a very predictable healthcare expense structure (a very helpful ability for retired persons on a fixed income).
Please feel free to contact me for help. Thanks very much.