Is Medicare Or Medicaid For Old People?
- 21750 POINTSview profileJim WinklerCEO/Owner, Winkler Financial Group, Houston, TexasThat is a great question! I guess the answer depends upon what your definition is of old. Medicare is a program that was designed to provide seniors 65 or older the opportunity to receive affordable health care. There are instances when you can receive it before turning 65, but that is the usual standard. Medicaid is different. It is a program designed to help elderly or low income people find affordable health care. Medicaid differs from Medicare in that it is State run, not Federally, so there can be great differences from state to state in costs and benefits. I hope that answers your question, if you would like more detail, contact me, I'm happy to help. Thanks for asking!Answered on May 8, 2014flag this answer
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