I have been diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension, but I am only taking 2 pills per day for medication. I am being discriminated.
Why Am I Being Rated For Life Insurance?
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Most commonly, each table rating will add 25% to the Standard premium. Again, some companies use a different guideline for table ratings, and those differences can make a big difference in the price, with the savings (or extra cost) compounding as the table ratings get higher.
Table ratings are just an assessment of risk and mortality, as are all health ratings given by life insurance underwriters. If approvals ended at Standard, many people would not be able to qualify for life insurance. Being able to get a rated policy enables many persons with MS, type 1 diabetes, Hepatitis C, and other health conditions to get a traditional life insurance policy of any type or amount.
PS I just saw that there is additional information to this question. If your blood pressure or A1C run high, or if you have had complications from your diabetes or hypertension, it will not matter if you are only taking two pills per day. If, however, you have a history of good control with both, you may need to look at a different company to see if you can get a better rating.