1. 140 POINTS
    The best time to take out a life insurance policy is when you are young and your health is good, because the cost will be lowest at that time. That being said, if you missed that window, there is no time like now to purchase life insurance and protect those you love from financial hardship upon your death.
    Answered on May 14, 2013
  2. 140 POINTS
    In the life insurance business youth and health are really important.  Buy life insurance when you are young, and you will never be any younger than you are today.  Most people who really want to buy life insurance can’t due to health conditions.  Don’t wait to get sick  or have your first heart attack, get the life insurance that you want from a trusted agent, one who will listen to you, offer sound financial advice and communicate clearly with your and the company.
    Answered on June 2, 2014
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