My son has cerebral palsy and is wheelchair bound. No health issues other than seizures that are controlled.
is being wheelchair bound an automatic disqualification for life insurance?
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If your son is able to transfer independently, it may be possible to get him a simplified issue policy, that asks some (vs no) health questions.
Finally, there are some companies that will consider a fully underwritten policy of any size if the wheelchair bound person is able to handle full time employment, transfer independently, etc. Unfortunately, this would not be your son's case, so not an option for him.
I wish you and your son the best. Please feel free to contact me to discuss personally.
With any life insurance application, the rate quoted is not guaranteed until the underwriting process is finished. By completing the underwriting first his agent will know exactly what he qualifies for and exactly what the premium will be. Your son won't potentially waste a lot of time discussing what the agent thinks the rate will be, he will know for sure.
There are policies issued for people with no big health issues, policies for minor health issues, and policies for people with bigger health issues. These policies are called "graded", modified", or "guaranteed issue" policies. They all are more expensive, and will have a period of time where the return on the policy will be reduced, if your son were God forbid, pass. That is where the agent can really help. You want to find the most affordable price, with the shortest grade (the period of reduced payment of benefits), and the highest return to you.
Good luck in your search, if I can help in any way please feel free to contact me, and thank you for asking!
Other issues include complications and organ dysfunction due to lack of mobility.
By and large you can be eligible for coverage, but it requires some very careful prequalification to make sure all the quote information is thorough and accurate, and that the carriers fully understand how you are managing all medical and lifestyle issues.
Life insurance and Life Insurance underwriting has changed immensely in the past 20 years or so.
What would really matter is the overall health situation. Also past driving record, employment information, medicines being taken, etc. Contact an independent agent to talk about it.