Co-Founder, Coastal Financial Partners Group, California
In the context of an application for life insurance, the insurance company wants to know from the proposed insured how much life insurance death benefit currently exists on their life from all active policies regardless of who is the owner. They usually ask for details of each active policy and whether or not the new coverage applied for will replace any of the active policies.
The reason for the question include determining if the applied for amount is reasonable and within the maximum coverage limit on the proposed insured.
This would be the total amount of life insurance you have on yourself or the company has on all of its policy holders combined depending on whether you are speaking of an individual or the insurance company. In the case of the individual, gather up all of your insurance policies and add up the face amounts to determine how much life insurance you have on yourself. The insurance companies produce an annual report that shows the total amount of life insurance they have on all of there policy holders.
Life insurance in force means the sum of the value of all of your life insurance policies, including dividends paid. It also refers to the final stage of the life insurance application process. After the policy has been approved, issued, paid and all delivery paperwork returned, your life insurance policy is officially put in force.
Agent Owner, Gilmore Insurance Services, Marysville, Washington State
What does life insurance in force mean? On a individual life insurance in force means how much death benefit a person has that is paid and active on a given day. For a life insurance company, in force means the total of all policis they have issued and that are currently paid. In force represents the insurance company's obligation to policy holders.
Life insurance in force is the total life insurance coverage contractual active whether it’s personally owned, for business insurance and/or part of a group benefit. This also includes any life insurance policy you sold to someone else in a life settlement transaction. Future life insurance purchases will take into account the total life insurance in force.
If referring to the time when your life insurance policy goes in force, it is the same as saying your life insurance is in effect. It means that the application process is over and that your policy would now pay the death benefit if something were to happen to you.
The reason for the question include determining if the applied for amount is reasonable and within the maximum coverage limit on the proposed insured.