How To Get Certified To Sell Life Insurance?
- 530 POINTSview profileMs. Q. HarvelleLife Insurance Agent, Brokers Revolution,To become a licensed life insurance agent, you must attend and complete insurance school, pass your state's insurance exam and be issued a license from your state. Your state should have a website for their Bureau or Department of Insurance that will walk you through the entire process. It should also tell you what the cost incurred will be. Good luck!Answered on May 13, 2013flag this answer
- 145 POINTSview profileOmar SangurimaAs Ms. Harvelle put it, the requirements in terms of hours can vary state by state. Google it, be sure to include "for X state" in your query, then try and walk through what the website says. I put it this way because in many cases the department of licensing or labor websites for states can be pretty dry reading. So take a peek there, but just know that normally you have to hit a certain number of verifiable hours of study, then take and pass the test, then apply and pay for the license. Also, there are some states that will recognize the work you put into another state's licensing program, and will offer to mirror your license in their own state, for a nominal fee. That way, you can be licensed to sell life insurance in more than one state but can potentially avoid having to go through the entire process more than once.Answered on May 13, 2013flag this answer
- 11783 POINTSContact Meview profileLarry GilmorePROAgent Owner, Gilmore Insurance Services, Marysville, Washington StateHow to get certified to sell life insurance? I think a better term may be licensed to sell life insurance. For most people in most states as insurance licensing is a state by state thing, it involves a short class that goes through a generic overview of insurance laws and products. Then the person wishing to license must sit for an exam that upon passing, allows for them to be licensed in the state they will be practicing in. An agent can license in mulitple states, sometimes just by paying the fees. Some states may require addtional testing or that certain subject matters be completed.Answered on May 13, 2013+01+1 this answer
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