If you are looking for your own life insurance policy, you can get a new copy simply by calling the company through which it was purchased. They can find it by your personal information.
If you are looking for the policy that belonged to someone who passed away, you can do the same thing, if you know the company from which they bought it. If not, try contacting an agent or agency who might have sold it to that person.
If all else fails, the policy should be turned over to unclaimed property after a few years.
There is an easy way to find a lost life insurance policy through the MIB policy locator service. They collect data from almost all U.S. life insurance companies and the database has over 190 million records. The service can also tell you to which carriers applications have been submitted to. It cost on average $75 to obtain the report which you can order online or by mail.
President, The Firm of Steven H. Kobrin, LUTCF, 6-05 Saddle River Rd #103, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
One good place to start is your state department of insurance. Many states have now established policy locater services.
Another resource is the carrier from which the insured bought other policies. People frequently buy life insurance from the same company that provided their home and auto coverages.
And, as mentioned by my colleagues, you have the Medical Information Bureau (https://www.mib.com) as well as private locater services.
If you are looking for the policy that belonged to someone who passed away, you can do the same thing, if you know the company from which they bought it. If not, try contacting an agent or agency who might have sold it to that person.
If all else fails, the policy should be turned over to unclaimed property after a few years.
Another resource is the carrier from which the insured bought other policies. People frequently buy life insurance from the same company that provided their home and auto coverages.
And, as mentioned by my colleagues, you have the Medical Information Bureau (https://www.mib.com) as well as private locater services.