Syndicated Financial Columnist, Host of the weekly talk show Steve Savant's Money, the Name of the Game, Scottsdale Arizona
Video Transcript:
Today's question is, "How much does life insurance cost?" Well, it depends on your gender, your age, your smoking habits, your medical background, your history. It also depends on the exam results that you'll take when you go and apply for insurance.
It also may depend on your vocation. Do you have hazards in your vocation?
And it also depends on, do you have recreational issues, like, are you a rock climber or a scuba diver? It matters because those are higher risks.
When you also ask about what does it cost, is it going to be temporary insurance, 5, 10, 15, 20 years? Or is it going to be permanent insurance going all the way out to age 100, maybe even farther? When you look at all these factors and accumulate them, they'll come up with a number that will tell you, here is your price tag.
Today's question is, "How much does life insurance cost?" Well, it depends on your gender, your age, your smoking habits, your medical background, your history. It also depends on the exam results that you'll take when you go and apply for insurance.
It also may depend on your vocation. Do you have hazards in your vocation?
And it also depends on, do you have recreational issues, like, are you a rock climber or a scuba diver? It matters because those are higher risks.
When you also ask about what does it cost, is it going to be temporary insurance, 5, 10, 15, 20 years? Or is it going to be permanent insurance going all the way out to age 100, maybe even farther? When you look at all these factors and accumulate them, they'll come up with a number that will tell you, here is your price tag.