You can make good money selling life insurance, or you can make no money selling life insurance. Those who are really good at it tend to attract more and more clients, and do exceptionally well. On the other hand, those who struggle tend to move on fairly quickly, because it can be a brutal industry if you are not doing well. Most people are paid by commission only, and expenses can easily eat up profits. When there is a split in commissions, the pie often seems too small.
Most insurance sales people fall somewhere in the middle and make a decent living at selling life insurance. With some good breaks, they have years where they make good money. And if you like what you are doing, that can be a worthwhile career.
Most insurance sales people fall somewhere in the middle and make a decent living at selling life insurance. With some good breaks, they have years where they make good money. And if you like what you are doing, that can be a worthwhile career.