You can have as many life insurance policies as you want . . . but within reason.
Most carriers, especially those that conduct financial and medical underwriting of life insurance applicants have rules and guidelines about stacking of insurance policies.
Depending on your need for life insurance, they may limit you to something like 20x your annual income for issued and in force life insurance.
The number of life insurance policies isn't a concern except for the fact that consolidation of multiple policies can generally save you money. The real concern is why multiple policies? One life insurance policy could cover the domestic financial liabilities, another to fund tax advantaged retirement income and still another could be for estate planning purposes. So you can have multiple polices for legitimate reasons.
Most carriers, especially those that conduct financial and medical underwriting of life insurance applicants have rules and guidelines about stacking of insurance policies.
Depending on your need for life insurance, they may limit you to something like 20x your annual income for issued and in force life insurance.