Syndicated Financial Columnist, Host of the weekly talk show Steve Savant's Money, the Name of the Game, Scottsdale Arizona
Video Transcript:
Today's question is, Can I get life insurance if I have sleep apnea? Well the answer is many times yes, but I need to know some answers to some questions. Are you using a CPAP machine, or a BiPAP machine, as well as what's your height and weight, and have you used tobacco in the last 12 months?
I also need to know the date or age of first diagnosis, and whether the sleep apnea was diagnosed as obstructive, central, mixed, or unknown. As well as was the sleep apnea diagnosed as mild, moderate, or severe and then the date of the last sleep study that you have undergone. All these factors will be able to give us a great idea of which carrier to go to. Remember certain carriers are more benevolent with sleep apnea when it comes to pricing life insurance.
Yes, there are many life insurance options for people with sleep apnea. However, the price can vary a lot depending on your type of sleep apnea and level of control.
Mild obstructive sleep apnea that is well controlled with cpap or bipap can be rated as good as Preferred or better with some companies. At the other extreme, severe sleep apnea with noncompliance with treatment and no alleviation of symptoms, can result in a decline for medically underwritten policies.
Consulting an agent very familiar with life insurance coverage for persons with sleep apnea can make a big difference in amount of coverage you can get, and in the price you pay.
President, Lane Independent Agency, Southern California
New York Life has a great many insured with sleep apnea. How is it affecting your life? Are there other diagnoses that are of concern. If you simply have sleep apnea and need no treatment, you very well are likely to be covered easily.
Today's question is, Can I get life insurance if I have sleep apnea? Well the answer is many times yes, but I need to know some answers to some questions. Are you using a CPAP machine, or a BiPAP machine, as well as what's your height and weight, and have you used tobacco in the last 12 months?
I also need to know the date or age of first diagnosis, and whether the sleep apnea was diagnosed as obstructive, central, mixed, or unknown. As well as was the sleep apnea diagnosed as mild, moderate, or severe and then the date of the last sleep study that you have undergone. All these factors will be able to give us a great idea of which carrier to go to. Remember certain carriers are more benevolent with sleep apnea when it comes to pricing life insurance.
Mild obstructive sleep apnea that is well controlled with cpap or bipap can be rated as good as Preferred or better with some companies. At the other extreme, severe sleep apnea with noncompliance with treatment and no alleviation of symptoms, can result in a decline for medically underwritten policies.
Consulting an agent very familiar with life insurance coverage for persons with sleep apnea can make a big difference in amount of coverage you can get, and in the price you pay.