1. 140 POINTS
    You should be able to secure guaranteed issue life insurance within the age limitations of the product. You should also be able to secure accidental death insurance, which covers only accidents. You may be able to secure life insurance once you’re free from incarceration and parole. Not every life insurance application addresses former felonies, so select judiciously.
    Answered on July 4, 2013
  2. 140 POINTS
    A felon will probably be declined by a life insurance company for a period of time after their release.  There are, however, companies that write policies with very limited underwriting and some that issue policies without any underwriting.  These policies are more expensive and may have restrictions on the death benefit.  They would provide an alternative for a felon.
    Answered on June 2, 2014
  3. 63333 POINTS
    Peggy Mace
    Most of the U.S.
    Most felons can get life insurance. They type of policy and the premiums they will pay will depend on when the felony was committed, whether the felon is still on parole, and even the age of the person who committed the felony. You need to contact an impaired risk agent who can shop multiple carriers for you to find coverage at the lowest possible price.
    Answered on May 6, 2015
  4. 5877 POINTS
    Stan Cox II
    Insurance Adviser - Broker, SC Insurance Services, Oahu, Hawaii
    Can felons get life insurance? Short answer: yes. However there are hurdles to clear. Some providers won't issue to a felon at all. Some will, but only after the felon has finished their parole. Generally it will be required that the felon has maintained employment for a minimum amount of time. And it can be a help if there are circumstances that show that the felon has most likely adopted a law abiding, low risk lifestyle.
    Answered on May 25, 2015
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