I have a 65 Extra Ordinary Life policy with NWML. I assume that sometime before or after I would convert this to an annuity to receive quarterly premiums. Is this correct?
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Whole life insurance cannot be converted to an annuity, nor can term life insurance. If the policy was surrendered for the cash value of the whole life side of the policy (term life insurance does not build cash value), the monies could be used towards an annuity. Please note, if there is a loan (and any interest on the loan) on the policy, any remaining surrender charges, the dollar amount you receive can be lower than the policy's cash value (think: cash value - loans - interest on loans - surrender charges = amount you actually receive). Also, you may want to verify whether there would be a taxable gain on the policy before surrendering it (the cash value in the policy exceeds the premiums paid into it).
Also, the only way a whole life insurance policy pays a dividend to the policyowner is if the policy is a participating whole life policy (non-participating policies do not offer any dividend structure - only the build-up of cash value).
I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.