1. 140 POINTS
    When this question is asked I am not sure if you mean the best insurance company with coverage's and claims or the who has the best rates. 
    Let's address rates first:
    There is no company who has the best rates as there are many varying factors that can make one insurance company rise to the top over another as it pertains to premium. In other words who has the best rate for me may not be the best for you, and we could live right next door to each other. 

    Now lets move on to the more important issue and that is coverage's: What you have to understand is most insurance companies have varying options/packages of coverage's available to purchase. In most cases agents tend to offer the cheapest package which does not maximize coverage's that are potentially available to the client. I suggest when shopping for insurance that you truly consult with your agent about the different options available by an insurance company so you can make an educated decision on the coverage you wish to purchase and how much of the risk you yourself wish to assume. As an independent agent I am able to offer quotes and coverage's from multiple companies to help my clients make the most informed decision about their most important asset, and that is their home. 

    Now the next subject would be claims:
    Which insurance company continues to rise to the top in claims handling. There are many independent websites which you do a quick search on and find ratings on how well claims are handled and their overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. There are many companies that are great in the claims area that I bet you have never even heard of. You will also find negatives on every insurance company out there without exception. Most of the negatives are due to coverage's not being in place that the client thought they had. Or in other words. A lack of understanding their policy. This goes back to my suggestion on being educated on the coverage's available to you. There are many independent online reviews available to you (some good, some not so good) that will give you ratings on how well the claims experience is for clients and how insurance companies rank in the claims department. But there is one thing that I believe is very critical to the claims process and that is your agent. An absentee agent can make the process very frustrating if you are having some communication difficulty with the insurance company. An agent that is actually working for you can help make any unfortunate claims experience must less painful then it needs to be. So never take the agent out of the equation when shopping for homeowners insurance. So with all that being said, my parting advice is do your research, consult and ask lots of questions from your agent. Don't be shy are think it's a dumb question because it's not.  After all, were talking about your home. 
    Answered on August 16, 2013
  2. 140 POINTS
    The best home insurance is the policy that pays the maximum allowable with the least hassle when you have a claim.  Every other measure becomes meaningless.  The way to have this best policy is to work honestly with a trusted insurance agent, which is someone who will listen to you, provide good financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company.  The most important advice will be on setting limits for coverages.  There are various limits and each deserves careful consideration.  In the end the premium means very little if the coverage is not complete when you have damage.
    Answered on June 2, 2014
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