Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, California
The best company is the one that insures you and pays the maximum allowable when you have a claim. The best place to buy that policy is from a trusted insurance agent. That agent will listen to you, give you good financial advice, and communicate accurately with you and the company. The time to find out what policy is best is when you have a claim; up to that point the trusted advice of a good agent is important.
Owner, Best Health And Car Insurance Rates - Instant Online Quotes, US
The best auto and home insurance company will be different for every applicant. With more than 33 years of experience as a broker (and top-rated websites), this question is often asked.
Here's the secret to getting the best rates and coverage from the top companies. Use a broker! There is no cost or fee and typically, you'll save money, time and a lot of frustration!
That is a great question! There are a lot of solid , well respected companies out there that you can be safe working with. I do not like naming them specifically in forums like this, as it can be taken as an endorsement, or ad, and that is not something that I want to do. I will say that what you want to do is find an agent who will listen to what you want, and then help you find a company and policy that fits you. Shop around, and do your homework first. If you would like some help, please feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to help. Thank you for asking!
Here's the secret to getting the best rates and coverage from the top companies. Use a broker! There is no cost or fee and typically, you'll save money, time and a lot of frustration!