Insurance Agent, Farmers Insurance, San Francisco Bay Area
Extended Home Insurance coverage provides an additional amount of funds in the case that the estimated cost to rebuild a home is more than what the Coverage A limits allow for. This extra coverage would come in handy during a large disaster affecting several properties at the same time in one area. In this situation, the cost of materials and labor may jump quickly due to the high demand as homeowners want their properties rebuilt quickly. Since this is not something that can be predicted, some insurance policies allow for this extra coverage. In most cases, 125% extended coverage is included in the premium price, but you can also select 150% extended coverage as well.
And, since this coverage does not increase your premium by the same amount it increases your Coverage A limits, it is a very affordable addition and highly recommended.
And, since this coverage does not increase your premium by the same amount it increases your Coverage A limits, it is a very affordable addition and highly recommended.