You will need the address of the property, Social Security number, basic information about the house such as ranch, two story, approximate age, has the wiring plumbing heating been updated if the house is older. Much of the information can be retrieved from the county auditors website by the agent. He will probably want to know if you have a dog and what type since some companies restrict certain breeds. If there is a pool, what type and is it fenced? Some of this may not be absolutely essential for a generalized quote but if you want your independent insurance agent to be able to give you his best rate, the more information he has helps because he can shop the companies he represents. Your quoting agent can tell you the exact information he needs.
Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, California
Select an agent that you trust. The agent will need the address of the home. He should be able to locate the age, construction, and size of the home from public records. The agent will need to know how the home has been finished. What type of flooring does it have? Is there paint, wall paper or paneling on the walls? Has the home been upgraded with a custom kitchen or bathrooms? Are there pools, sheds, gazebos or a detached garage on the property? The agent will also need to know if there have been losses in the last few years. Are there smokers in the house? Then there are a many other questions that will be asked. Additionally, most companies require the application to have pictures of the property.
dates of birth of all drivers to be covered
VIN numbers of vehicles to be covered
Social Security number of primary insured and possibly other insureds
amount of coverage you are seeking
garaging address of vehicles
milage of each driver to work and type of use for vehicle
Motor vehicle history for all drivers to be covered