Account Executive, Samuelson Insurance Agency, Portage, IN
The most probable scenario on why you absolutely need home insurance is that your mortgage company requires it. They want to ensure they get their money back in the event of a loss.
If you are in a position to where your home is paid off then that is another story. However, by not carrying home insurance you are subjecting yourself to unnecessary risk. Your home insurance not only provides coverage for that home which you worked so hard to pay off, but also provides protection against liability. Meaning when the neighbors kid breaks his arm playing on your swing-set and his parents want to sue you. Without home insurance, the neighbors may be the proud new owners of your home!
If you are in a position to where your home is paid off then that is another story. However, by not carrying home insurance you are subjecting yourself to unnecessary risk. Your home insurance not only provides coverage for that home which you worked so hard to pay off, but also provides protection against liability. Meaning when the neighbors kid breaks his arm playing on your swing-set and his parents want to sue you. Without home insurance, the neighbors may be the proud new owners of your home!