How To Get The Best Homeowners Insurance Rates?
- 14231 POINTSview profileTom SheehanAgency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482The very best Homeowners Insurance rates, for the most part, are enjoyed by homeowners who maintain their property and their credit scores. As best as you can, keep your property free from potential hazards, install a monitored alarm system and be sure that your roof, as well as electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems are replaced or upgraded as needed. Finally, talk to your Insurance Professional about available discounts especially for bundling your car insurance and other coverage with the same company.Answered on July 8, 2014flag this answer
- 37376 POINTSview profileDavid G. Pipes, CLU®, RICP®Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, CaliforniaUnless you are buying a homeowner’s policy purely to satisfy a requirement, looking for the lowest premium might not be wise. An uncovered loss can be a tremendous shock to your finances and that is really the purpose of the policy. If you are looking to just drive down premium, take the highest deductible that the company will write. Everything else that will drive down the premium will cost more than you will realize in reduced premiums.Answered on November 7, 2014flag this answer
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