Had a house fire in July Travelers is just gotten damaged part tore down , policy renews in Oct & travelers is not renewing us due to claim ,Lender will want us to have HO for our loan where do we find a new insurance company when there is no home yet to insure?

  1. 7647 POINTS
    Mark Bartlett CLCS
    Branch Owner, TWFG Insurance Services, Fremont California and the Greater Bay Area Representing Dozens of Insurance Carriers
    This one is a bit challenging but your best option may be to go with a Course of Construction policy, otherwise known as a builders risk. I would find a local independent agent who deals with these types of policies. He can asses you are on the re-build and determine and how to place your insurance. After the home is completed you can go back to a homeowners policy again.
    Answered on September 18, 2013
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