Your question boils down to a matter of social and self responsibility. Life presents all of us with unknown risks that a reasonable person should seek to manage to the best of their ability. An unexpected illness or injury and the costs associated with treating those conditions is one of life's risks. Health insurance is a risk management tool that a person should use to mitigate their personal financial exposure in such situations and to not pass off on to their fellow citizens the costs for providing your personal health care needs.
Of course, there will always be those people whose personal financial situation or pre-existing medical conditions make it impossible for them to to take proactive steps to manage the financial burden of their health care. Traditionally, these people have been helped by friends and family, charities, religious organizations and our government safety net programs such as Medicaid and the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
But in simple terms, it should be your individual responsibility to prioritize your life to be as self sufficient as possible and to not be a burden to your fellow man. Health insurance is a crucial tool in achieving this objective.
Of course, there will always be those people whose personal financial situation or pre-existing medical conditions make it impossible for them to to take proactive steps to manage the financial burden of their health care. Traditionally, these people have been helped by friends and family, charities, religious organizations and our government safety net programs such as Medicaid and the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
But in simple terms, it should be your individual responsibility to prioritize your life to be as self sufficient as possible and to not be a burden to your fellow man. Health insurance is a crucial tool in achieving this objective.