The out of pocket medical expense is the portion of provider fees left over after the health insurance policy made its claims payments. Your deductible is one component of these expenses. The deductible is the amount of allowed expenses the policyholder must pay before benefits begin.
Other components of out of pocket medical expenses include copayments, coinsurance, and out of network fees.
Insurance Adviser - Broker, SC Insurance Services, Oahu, Hawaii
The "deductible" is "out-of-pocket" cost to the policy holder, and so is any co-pay. There may also be over the limit costs that are out of pocket. Usually health insurance policies have a maximum per year or maximum per life that they will pay for certain things. ANything after that would then be out of pocket cost to the insured.
Other components of out of pocket medical expenses include copayments, coinsurance, and out of network fees.