1. 5527 POINTS
    Marlin McKelvy
    President, Consumer Directed Benefit Solutions, Memphis, Tennessee
    There is no simple answer to this question as rates will be unique for each employer group and will vary depending upon the size of your group (different rating approaches apply to groups with 50 or more employees than groups with 2 to 49 employees for instance), the geographic location of your group, and the composition of your group (age being a big factor for group's with less than 50 employees.

    The funding approach an employer uses will also have a dramatic impact on how much health insurance will cost an employer (self-funding versus fully insured plans).  With the substantial rate increases many small groups are seeing in the wake of the health care reform law's requirements more small groups are moving to a self-funded platform.

    As you can tell, this is a complex issue and there are many factors that need to be considered.  If you need assistance in determining what the best course of action will be for your company please feel free to contact me for a free consultation.
    Answered on May 2, 2014
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