My Union ins. stopped on 7/1 & coverage from my other job began on 6/1; an overlap of 1-month & neither ins. was aware of the other. We changed the info for our providers, but we failed to notify the companies. I will begin a new job (paying more money) in about 3-weeks necessitating COBRA to cover my family & I thru the probationary period. I am eligible for COBRA from either, but the premium difference is around $400+ ; my Union being the lesser. My son was born 7/7 and they said if he had any insurance at any time, they need a letter of coverage confirmation. Now, I’m concerned I will get in trouble for the overlap (from both insurances?) & one or both could deny us. With the new baby, my wife, and 2-yr old daughter there are still many bills still processing and I’m not sure how I should handle this without encountering problems I may not know how deal with. I hope someone can advise?
Health Insurance With My Union & Current Employer Overlapped 1 Month. Will Now Need COBRA, But Not Sure How.
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You will need to pay up through August, since we're in that month now. Please don't be slow on this, the clock is ticking and the costs will only get higher the longer it takes you to get the paperwork back. Go through your paperwork from both and see when their drop deadlines are. This is something you should finish no later than this weekend. Good luck and get on it.