Does USAA Have Good Health Insurance?
- 1805 POINTSview profileSamuel SmithEnrolled Agent-licensed to practice before the IRS, Samuel N Smith, EA, South CarolinaUSAA is a highly rated insurance company and I am sure anything they offer will be of high quality but you need to make sure that policy meets your needs. How do you do that? Sit down with your significant other and write down what it is that you want the policy to provide. Then call the company and say, I want a health insurance plan that will pay 80% of all charges in the event I am hosiptialized with a $500 deductible. I want the policy to allow each member of my family to go the doctor up to 4 times a year and only have to pay a $30 copay. I want that policy to pay 80% of any prescriptions that I or my family memebers need to purchase. Do you have a policy that meets my expectations and if so what do it cost?Answered on November 26, 2013flag this answer
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