Many plans (but not every single one) provide some type of incentive for members to actively exercise. Wellness programs are becoming more prevalent as plans seek to keep claims experience lower by promoting healthy lifestyles.
There may be some form of direct compensation to offset a portion of your annual membership costs. There may also be benefits tied to the number of times the facility is used over the course of the plan year. Many gym utilize swipe cards for entry that facilitate usage reporting.
Yes many health plans when it comes to underwriting will give you credit for healthy lifestyles . Depending on the plan the health insurance will provide discounted membership to staying healthy. In addition it is great for the insurance provider to increase the morality rate and overall can lower premiums across if many insured stay healthy therefore its a win win situation for everyone to stay healthy and being part of a healthy lifestyle is a great incentive overall.
Co-Founder,, Goldenzweig Financial Group, Las Vegas, Nevada
An individual health insurance plan is generally not going to pay for your gym membership. However, they may offer certain wellness programs for you to be active and continue your good health. Some plans may offer a discount on memberships of facilities the carrier has an association/contract with.
You will need to review your specific plan or contact your agent/the carrier to find out what programs, if any, are available.
I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
There may be some form of direct compensation to offset a portion of your annual membership costs. There may also be benefits tied to the number of times the facility is used over the course of the plan year. Many gym utilize swipe cards for entry that facilitate usage reporting.
You will need to review your specific plan or contact your agent/the carrier to find out what programs, if any, are available.
I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.