1. 63333 POINTS
    Peggy Mace
    Most of the U.S.
    To be eligible for Disability Insurance (DI), you must have health that meets the company's underwriting guidelines for that policy. It is harder to qualify medically for Disability Insurance than it is for Life Insurance, because so many more health conditions can cause a Disability than can cause a death. But a good Disability Insurance brokers can guide you to the right policy.

    You must also have an income in order to be eligible for Disability Insurance. Homemakers or others who do not receive a steady income are, unfortunately, ineligible for coverage. And some occupations will disqualify you.

    That being said, most people can get Disability Insurance and it is a very important part of a secure financial portfolio. A good Disability Insurance agent will be an immense help to you in determining whether you are eligible for affordable DI coverage.
    Answered on June 8, 2013
  2. 11 POINTS
    Steve Bartholomew
    General Manager, Wisconsin DI Center, Mequon, WI
    Normally, any person ages 18 through 60, working full time (at least 30 hours per week), earning at least $18,000 per year (gross, before taxes), in an acceptable occupation, with an acceptable medical history and "lifestyle" (driving record, arrests, avocations etc) is eligible to buy disability insurance. Insurance companies differ in how these rules and guidelines are set, so it is best to speak to a knowledgeable insurance broker to sort through all these issues.
    Answered on August 29, 2014
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