Every insurance company has different criteria for their Disability policies. So you would need to review the fine print of each policy to see what causes of disability, or what levels of disability, each policy excludes.
Some things that different Disability insurance policies might not cover, or might limit coverage for, are disability due to mental or nervous disorders (some put a two year limit on those benefits), disability due to drug or alcohol abuse (some put a one year limit on those benefits), disability caused while committing a crime (this is usually not covered at all), or disability caused by acts of war.
Some policies also will cover total or permanent disability, but not partial or residual disability. Again, it is important to shop around and purchase a policy with the features that are most likely to be used, but also pick and choose so that you get a rate you can afford.
Some things that different Disability insurance policies might not cover, or might limit coverage for, are disability due to mental or nervous disorders (some put a two year limit on those benefits), disability due to drug or alcohol abuse (some put a one year limit on those benefits), disability caused while committing a crime (this is usually not covered at all), or disability caused by acts of war.
Some policies also will cover total or permanent disability, but not partial or residual disability. Again, it is important to shop around and purchase a policy with the features that are most likely to be used, but also pick and choose so that you get a rate you can afford.