How Important Is It To Have Disability Insurance?
- 63333 POINTSview profilePeggy MaceMost of the U.S.There are a lot of opinions on what type of insurance is important to get, but Disability Insurance is one of those types of coverage that it is hard to imagine being without. When one's livelihood is dependent on receiving a paycheck, Disability Insurance is the assurance that one's livelihood will not be completely disrupted due to an illness or injury that can happen to anyone, at any time.Answered on July 2, 2013flag this answer
- 0 POINTSContact Meview profileDavid RacichPROFountain Hills, ArizonaEveryone who is healthy enough and can afford to purchase disability insurance should do so. Disability insurance is paycheck protection. The most significant valued asset in every household is human value, the ability to earn money. Protecting your paycheck is one of the highest priorities in defensive planning. Depending upon your gender, age, smoking status, health history and current medical condition, you may pay between 3 and 5% of your compensation with disability insurance.Answered on July 2, 2013+01+1 this answer
flag this answerview more answers by David Racich - 11783 POINTSContact Meview profileLarry GilmorePROAgent Owner, Gilmore Insurance Services, Marysville, Washington StateHow important is disability insurance? How important is the ability to pay your bills if you get sick or hurt and can't work? A person who has passive income to such a degree that work is optional really doesn't need disability. While another person, especially one with little to no savings or reserves NEEDS something like a disability policy to cover that risk.Answered on July 3, 2013+01+1 this answer
flag this answerview more answers by Larry Gilmore - 10968 POINTSview profileTim WilhoitOwner, Your Friend 4 Life, Brentwood TNThe thing about any type of insurance is to almost everyone, agents included it is a nuisance to pay the premiums every month or year because it seems to be a waste of money. However, at claim time, everyone is always glad they paid for their insurance. The same is true with disability insurance. It is not a very cheap premium and can be seen as not necessary in a budget. However at claim time disability is the difference between living a recovery and losing it all to bankruptcy. Statistically speaking you are 8 times more likely to become disabled than to die. Not only is disability important in a financial plan but the only way to truly protect your number one asset, your ability to earn a living.Answered on September 8, 2014flag this answer
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