How Do I Qualify For Disability Insurance?
- 0 POINTSContact Meview profileDavid RacichPROFountain Hills, ArizonaThere are two main qualifying issues here: medical health and financial justification. Your personal health history and current medical condition weigh greatly on the underwriting classification offer you’ll receive from a disability insurance company. In addition to a medical review, you must validate your compensation, generally with two years of tax returns.Answered on June 9, 2013+01 0+1 this answerflag this answerview more answers by David Racich
- 2180 POINTSview profileKelly MoserSocial Media Strategist, Disability Insurance Services, CaliforniaThere are several factors that determine what type of disability insurance you're qualified for. To start with, you must be working. DI is paycheck protection, so if you don't have job, there's nothing to protect. Also, you typically have to be at least 18 years old and making a certain amount of money (varies state by state and company to company). Once you meet those basic qualifications, your agent will need to know your medical history and your occupational information.Answered on December 2, 2013flag this answer
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