Finding your disability insurance coverage can be done with a few simple steps. First if you are employed, go to the person in charge of benefits at your comapny. In large companies it would be someone in human resources or smaller companies could be a manager or owner. Simply ask to see a certificate of coverage. There may be two, one short term and one long term disability policy. If you are self employed or unemployed check your check book to see if you have been making payments to an insurance company or if you are drafted by an insurance company. Then call and ask what policies are you paying for. They are always happy to send you a duplicate policy if you can't find yours.
If you find that no coverage exists and you have been paying into social security by working, you may be eligible for disability through your Social Security. Just Google Social Security Disability for the website. There will be a list of criteria to meet in order to apply. The normal process takes about 9 months to start receiving your benefits.
If you find that no coverage exists and you have been paying into social security by working, you may be eligible for disability through your Social Security. Just Google Social Security Disability for the website. There will be a list of criteria to meet in order to apply. The normal process takes about 9 months to start receiving your benefits.