Does Disability Insurance Cover Alcoholism?
- 0 POINTSContact Meview profileDavid RacichPROFountain Hills, ArizonaDisability insurance like most individual morbidity insurance products does not cover pre-existing conditions like alcohol abuse. Motor vehicle records can be used to detect DUI’s. One of the urine analysis items covers liver function, which can detect alcohol abuse. Medical records of all attending physicians will be ordered include rehabilitation facilities.Answered on May 29, 2013+01 0+1 this answerflag this answerview more answers by David Racich
- 2180 POINTSview profileKelly MoserSocial Media Strategist, Disability Insurance Services, CaliforniaIt's important to note that some carriers will decline a person because of their alcoholism, but if that does happen to you, ask your agent to get a reconsideration period in writing. An underwriter can usually advise that if the client has clean records for two years or so, they are eligible again. AND some companies, like Lloyds of London, have alcohol abuse built into the policy as an exclusion, so they're more lenient when it comes to writing someone with past alcohol abuse.Answered on September 25, 2013flag this answer
- 10968 POINTSview profileTim WilhoitOwner, Your Friend 4 Life, Brentwood TNThere are no disability insurance policies that I am aware of that cover a claim for a disabling event of alcoholism. You still may find one, but I deal with the top disability insurance carriers and they all specifically exclude claims for drug and alcoholism. These are for both short term and long term disability plans.Answered on September 2, 2014flag this answer
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