Is Critical Illness Insurance A Waste Of Money?
- 12689 POINTSview profileTed RatliffOwner, SFS Associates,I had a client in his 40's who had a Sroke. He was unable to work. He had health insurance at work which payed some of the Medical but he still had deductibles and copay's that mounted into the thousands of dollars. He needed additional help while his wife worked to try to make up for the lost income. He nearly lost his home while he was waiting to get Social Security Disability. Do you think an additional $10,000 or $20, 000 would have help him? Some critical illness policies have a return of premium option. There is nothing to lose and everthing to gain with a Critical Illness policy and they are not real expensive. Yes, I think they are worth it!Answered on June 14, 2013flag this answer
- 0 POINTSContact Meview profileDavid RacichPROFountain Hills, ArizonaIf you have family health history that includes chronic illness or a genetic disposition to disease, then critical illness insurance is a good defensive posture for future medical bills. When you’re young and generally healthy, the premiums are relatively inexpensive. Critical illness can also be a supplement to high deductible medical insurance.Answered on June 14, 2013+01+1 this answer
flag this answerview more answers by David Racich - 63333 POINTSview profilePeggy MaceMost of the U.S.If you purchase Critical Illness Insurance and then never suffer a life threatening illness of the type that would cause a benefit to be paid by the policy, you probably would look at the policy as a waste of money (unless it was such a comfort to you to know those funds were there, that it was worth the premium for that peace of mind). If you did collect on the policy, you would not feel it was a waste of money. It is very hard to answer that without knowing the future. But that is the nature of all insurance. It is protection against the unknown and the "what if's" of life.Answered on September 3, 2013flag this answer
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