Why Does My Car Insurance Cost So Much?
- 14231 POINTSview profileTom SheehanAgency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482There are various factors that are included when an insurance company files pricing with a state's Insurance Department. The obvious factors have to do with a driver's record of accidents and infractions. Many companies have also determined that one's credit standing can be a measurable factor when calculating the rate one would pay for car insurance. The car itself has a great deal to do with a policy's pricing with regard to both Comprehensive and Collision, but Liability as well. Think of the kind of damage that can be caused by a large sized SUV vs a sub compact car. Finally, the coverage chosen directly affects the amount you pay. If two people live next to each other, own the very same make and model car, have a clean record and are insured by the same company, neighbor A is paying less because he is only carrying the state minimum requirement for liability coverage, while neighbor B is paying more because he has chosen the more complete protection offered by higher liabillity coverage limits. These are just a few examples of factors that affect the price you pay.Answered on July 30, 2013flag this answer
- 37376 POINTSview profileDavid G. Pipes, CLU®, RICP®Business Development Officer, T.D. McNeil Insurance Services, Fresno, CaliforniaThis is certainly something to discuss with our agent. Your state insurance commissioner requires insurance companies to take in enough money to pay out all the claims that they incur. Sometimes this can result in an “across the board” rate increase. Specific causes for rate increases in California include a change in the status of the driver (violations, age, or accidents.) In California a rate increase is often the result of the annual mileage of the vehicle. Occasionally a company will find that the loss experience on a particular model of car is worse than anticipated and will reclassify the automobile resulting in a premium increase.Answered on September 17, 2014flag this answer
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