Agency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482
That can vary depending upon the terms and condtions of your auto policy so it would be best for you to have this discussion with your insurance professional. However, in general, you as the named insured, and anyone who you designate to drive your car are covered under your policy.
David Welch - Liberty Mutual Insurance - Nashville
Insurance Sales Representative, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Nashville, TN
Auto insurance generally follows a vehicle, so guest drivers are usually covered. Your insurance company has the right to contest claims made by people who are excluded from your policy. If you permit someone to drive your car regularly, he or she should be listed as an operator. It can be considered fraudulent if you share a car with someone on a regular basis without listing that person on the policy. Examples would be a young driver or someone with a DUI.
Always read your policy document, and remember, if it is your car, you will be held liable if the damages exceed your insurance policy, so be careful before lending out your vehicle.
Always read your policy document, and remember, if it is your car, you will be held liable if the damages exceed your insurance policy, so be careful before lending out your vehicle.