1. 15645 POINTS
    Edward HarrisPRO
    Owner, Best Health And Car Insurance Rates - Instant Online Quotes, US
    Typically, you pay for auto insurance when you purchase the policy. Depending on the effective date, you can pay at a later date. Also, each carrier is different, regarding their billing procedures.

    If you are already covered, usually a bill is sent 30-60 days in advance of the due date.
    Answered on March 28, 2014
  2. 0 POINTS
    Charulata "C.J." Shah
    Woodbridge - Iselin, NJ
    In NJ once you purchase vehicle one need to have insurance paper work to show at the DMV. Depending upon your situation that is you are adding the vehicle on your existing policy,or replacing vehicle, inform your Insurance agent who usually gives you some grace period for payment. But one need to  inform agent for such changes immediately. Also, it is better to talk to your agent while you are about to make some changes in your Auto, that is sale, purchase or adding another driver, use of vehicle, even type and make of vehicle as agent can good guide for you if certain vehicle can cost you more or less in premium etc... Some older version of car with no air-bag, or lights ON features etc can cost more, compare to new models with all added safety features .....
    Note: I write answer based on my experiences............
    Answered on March 29, 2014
  3. 7647 POINTS
    Mark Bartlett CLCS
    Branch Owner, TWFG Insurance Services, Fremont California and the Greater Bay Area Representing Dozens of Insurance Carriers
    In California, in order to issue a policy a payment must be made. You will be given payment options going forward for you to chose from. Anywhere from pay in full to monthly payments. You can also set up for automatic deductions from a credit card or checking account.
    Answered on March 30, 2014
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