1. 15645 POINTS
    Edward HarrisPRO
    Owner, Best Health And Car Insurance Rates - Instant Online Quotes, US
    The most expensive car insurance rates are typically found in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Florida, and Michigan. Prices are typically high in these states for a combination of factors that include high cost of vehicle repairs, larger number of uninsured drivers, larger percentage of younger drivers, and more accidents per resident.

    Other factors can impact auto insurance prices including the incidence of natural disasters in that state, along with the type of weather. For instance, many Northeastern states have been battered with higher-than-expected snowfall totals, which has caused a spike in the number of reported accidents.

    As demographics of states change, including the percentage of younger/older drivers on the road, prices can also change.

    Other states that often have higher-than-average auto insurance prices include Delaware, Alaska, Maryland, Texas, and Connecticut.

    States that often feature some of the cheapest rates include Iowa, Idaho, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Maine, Ohio, and South Dakota.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This question was answered by Ed Harris, one of the premier car insurance brokers in the US, with more than 34 years of experience helping consumers find the best auto insurance options.

    One of his top-rated websites is Carinsurancezoom.org, which allows consumers to instantly view the companies that offer the cheapest prices in their zip code.
    Answered on April 2, 2015
  2. 21750 POINTS
    Jim Winkler
    CEO/Owner, Winkler Financial Group, Houston, Texas
    That is a great question! There is a company that commissions a survey every year to provide exactly the information that you asked for, and it was just released not too long ago. You've got great timing!
    They use the example of a 40 year old man with good credit and a clean driving record as their standard, driving a Toyota Camry, and poll 20 zip codes in each State. This years results gave an average national cost for that auto insurance as $1311. The cheapest state was Maine, with an average cost of $805, and the most expensive was Michigan at $2476.
    It is very important to remember that those are averages, and can vary widely from zip code to zip code, and from driver to driver. Factors such as percent of uninsured motorists (Florida), fatalities (Wyoming) and insurance laws (Michigan) all play major roles in costs .
    I lived in Michigan for many years, and can tell you that the "no-fault" insurance laws and the very generous medical payments that were allowed, along with the high theft rates made the insurance there much more expensive than it was in some other States that I've lived in. Please take these survey numbers with a great bit of salt, as the costs within a State can vary greatly, and even in cities from suburb to suburb. I can tell you for a fact that my auto insurance in Chicago was far more expensive than it was when I was living in the rural countryside...But there you go. Thanks for asking!
    Answered on April 15, 2015
  3. 161 POINTS
    Ty Peck
    Agency Producer, Farmers Insurance, Ferndale, WA
    I have read that Michigan has the highest auto insurance rates. There is a law in Michigan that provides drivers with unlimited lifetime personal injury protection. This has made rates skyrocket as there is a higher risk for fraudulent claims regarding injuries in minor accidents. Insurance is also higher if you live within city limits or in an area with a high claims history. Hope this helps!
    Answered on December 7, 2015
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