1. 250 POINTS
    Bill Sims
    Producer, Kendall & Associates Insurance Agency, Greenville, SC
    Assuming the GPS was stolen from inside an insured auto, the answer is maybe.  If the GPS was installed in the car (e.g., permanently attached in the dashboard) and the car had comprehensive coverage, then the GPS theft would be covered subject to the comprehensive deductible.   However, if the GPS was of the type like mine that you affix to the windshield with a suction device, that would not be considered "installed equipment" and would not be eligible for the car's comprehensive coverage.  In that case, your only other possibility for coverage on the auto insurance would be if your policy provided additional coverage for personal items inside the car.  Most standard auto coverage forms do not include additional coverage for personal items, but some do - usually capped at $1,000-$2,000.  Also, your auto policy may have an added endorsement that provides coverage for personal items.  The last resort - you may be able to claim the GPS theft on your homeowners (or renters policy) if the auto policy does not cover it.
    Answered on February 11, 2014
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