I live in Illinois with my girlfriend. Until now I have not owned a car and just drive her car occasionally, I am unemployed. Her insurance agent told her I am covered on her liability only insurance as long as I have her permission to drive it. Now I have ownership on a vehicle and we titled it and registered it in both our names. Her agent says we can continue to just list her on the policy and I will be covered. There by she gets a multiple car discount and in the long run it is cheaper. I don’t know why this agent seems to always steer this in this manner. Even with the two cars I only drive occasionally to the store or to visit someone. Something just doesn’t seem right about this. If I get pulled over will I be ticketed? I have the same address. If I get in an accident will I really be covered? Will the insurance pay out a claim?
Am I Covered On My Girlfriend’s Auto Insurance Policy?
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I hope this answered your questions and good luck!