Can I Have Two Different Auto Insurance Policies?
- 7647 POINTSview profileMark Bartlett CLCSBranch Owner, TWFG Insurance Services, Fremont California and the Greater Bay Area Representing Dozens of Insurance CarriersNo you are not supposed to have 2 polices for the same vehicles. If you have an accident and it is discovered that you have two polices the insurance carriers will split the cost up to the limit of the policy. In other words having two polices does not double your coverage. Then the carriers will cancel you for double coverage.Answered on September 4, 2013flag this answer
- 14231 POINTSview profileTom SheehanAgency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482You probably could, but it is not a very good idea. First, you would not be taking advantage of the multi car discounts that many auto insurance companies offer so will probably be paying more than you need to. Second, in the event that you cause an accident, the claims processing would become needlessly confused because many standard policies cover not only the vehicle you insure, but any other car while it temporarily replaces that one. Thus, two insurance companies could be involved.Answered on July 8, 2014flag this answer
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