We don’t know what the state considers “domestic partners.” Our insurance broker offered to create a policy stating that my fiance and I are domestic partners so that we could get the married couple rate. I entertain the idea of saving money, but not at the expense of a legal conflict in the event of a potential future claim.

  1. 992 POINTS
    Phil Tuccy
    Owner, Insurance Group Consulting, LLC, Florida
    Obviously not sure how every carrier handles this in our State but one of the largest National Carriers in Florida does have a feature that addresses this situation. When a couple lives together in a marital type relationship, they can get the advantage of a married rate. It is not really a discount by definition but can result in paying less premium through the rating process. Also, with regard to the National Carrier Florida auto policy referenced here, the couple does not have to change the vehicle titles names.

    You need to consult with a local independent insurance agency. They will be able to tell you how this is handled by each carrier they represent.
    Answered on April 4, 2014
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