Insurance Advisor, Insurance Service Protection, Las Vegas, NV
Age 25 is usually when you see a decrease if you don't have any tickets or accidents prior to rate. You will also see a decrease if your married. Taking defensive driving course within 3 years and\or multi-policy discount such as a house will help depending on the insurance company.
When you reach age 25 and have not had tickets or accidents that resulted in insurance claims, you are considered less risk to the insurance company. They will usually lower your rate but even if they do, that is a great time to Reshop the rate with several other companies. You will usually see even more savings that way.
When you reach age 25 and have not had tickets or accidents that resulted in insurance claims, you are considered less risk to the insurance company. They will usually lower your rate but even if they do, that is a great time to Reshop the rate with several other companies. You will usually see even more savings that way.