What Companies Provide Disability Insurance?
- 0 POINTSContact Meview profileDavid RacichPROFountain Hills, ArizonaThere are many disability insurance companies in the US. Here are the brokerage players: Mutual of Omaha, Standard of Oregon, Mass Mutual Met, Principle, Ameritas, Fidelity security, Illinois Mutual, Assurity, Lloyds of London. There are others, but these are more popular among advisers who perform defensive planning in their practice.Answered on June 8, 2013+01 0+1 this answerflag this answerview more answers by David Racich
- 2180 POINTSview profileKelly MoserSocial Media Strategist, Disability Insurance Services, CaliforniaThere are many companies that provide disability insurance, including private policies, business overhead expense, key man disability insurance, etc. For white collar employees carriers like The Standard, MetLife and Principal are very competitive. For impaired risk carriers (for blue collar employees or people with severe health conditions), Petersen International, Fidelity, Assurity, Mass Mutual, etc. are your best bet. When speaking with your agent, make sure they provide you with quotes from several companies.Answered on December 2, 2013flag this answer
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